
Guest post on National Geographic´s instagram

The Arctic National Wildlife-Refuge - Serengeti of the north

For the past three years, Florian has worked tirelessly on a film about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

As part of Florian´s guest post on National Geographics Instagram you can see some of the amazing footage he filmed. Stay tune for more.

There is hardly a greater wildlife spectacle left in North American then the massive caribou migration of the Porcupine Caribou herd. Every year about 200 000 caribou migrate to the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to give birth to their young. Migrating close to 3000 miles it is the longest migration route of any land mammal. The reason: The caribou are dependent on the nutrient rich vegetation that the coastal plain provides. The current GOP tax bill would allow oil drilling in this pristine wilderness. Opening up the Refuge has often been attempted by drilling supporters but never received congressional approval. This time around the situation is different. As the measure is tied to the budget process the bill only needs 51 votes – not the usual 60. Drilling in the Arctic Refuge could become a reality, destroying one of the greatest wild places in the country that has often been called the Serengeti of the north. In my work, I specialize in the last wild place on the planet and those become increasing rare. I think it would be devastating to see one of the greatest wilderness gems be destroyed over a few months worth of the nation’s oil. #Followme @florianschulzvisuals to see more of the wild planet.

- Florian

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Über Florian

Als professioneller Naturfotograf widmet sich Florian Schulz dem Schaffen von einzigartigen Naturaufnahmen. Seine Bilder werden in Magazinen wie National Geographic, BBC Wildlife und GEO veröffentlicht. Schulz stammt aus Süddeutschland und verbringt im Jahr durchschnittlich acht bis zehn Monate im Feld, um mit seinen Fotografieprojekten gesamte Ökosysteme zu dokumentieren.

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Florian Schulz Productions
Naturfilmproduktion & Equipment Rental in Alaska und Baja Kalifornien, Mexiko.
Florian Schulz
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Emil Herrera-Schulz
Produktionsleitung | Creative Director
Nicole Frey
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