“We see a tremendous change in the climate and the Arctic is really hit the hardest”
The Refuge - Project
“We see a tremendous change in the climate and the Arctic is really hit the hardest”
On my birthday - December 21st 2016 I received the wonderful news that President Obama protected almost the entire part of the US Arctic Ocean from oil and gas development. For years I have been photographing and filming these areas and gave countless presentations about the Alaskan Arctic. In partnerships with organizations like EarthJustice, WWF, Alaska Wilderness League, Braided River and Patagonia we have made people aware about the issues surrounding the Beaufort and Chuckchi Sea in Alaska's Arctic, worked with media outlets and government officials. I am so grateful for this action by President Obama as it not only protects the arctic ocean ecosystem, but also makes a clear statement for the fight against global warming. - Florian Schulz
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