“The Arctic Refuge has always been a mysterious place for me. Wild and remote, it allows me to time-travel back into a wholesome world that predates the settlement of the West.”
The Refuge - Project
“The Arctic Refuge has always been a mysterious place for me. Wild and remote, it allows me to time-travel back into a wholesome world that predates the settlement of the West.”
I still remember my first days in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Sitting on the steep slop of a unnamed mountain under the midnight sun I overlooked the surrounding coastal plains. I felt like a time traveler that had gone back to a world before modern age. What is so remarkable about the Refuge is the vast open landscape. No roads – no power lines – no man-made structures as far as the eye can see. A true wilderness. It is the home of the Porcupine Caribou herd. Every year they migrate over 2400 kilometers from the calving ground at the coastal planes to their winter range further south. The caribou sustain the bears, wolves and Native people along their migration route. In the recent years I have dedicated my life to create a film about the Refuge to help with its permanent protection. - Florian Schulz
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