
Over the Arctic Plains
After flying hours below the layer of fog we see a silver lining at the horizon. We need to put the plane down on a gravel bar and set up camp for the night. My pilot Ken wants to look for a spot where we can get out of the wind. We are fighting a stiff breeze of 20 – 30 nots on the nose of the plane.
As we are flying further inland, the sun finally breaks through the layers of fog. In the far distance I see the brooks range. Dark clouds are hugging the mountains and create a dramatic backdrop for photographs. We follow a river drainage south as I see a group of caribou in the riverbed heading to climb a steep snowbank to join their group up on the extended plains, where food is plentiful.
We swing around with the plane while I keep an eye on the group running up the step snowbank seemingly without effort. I am trying to caputre the images struggling to keep the horizon straight in the viewfinder while the pilot goes into a steep bank and balances out the gusts of wind. After hours of flying through bad weather, there it is: A few seconds of action in wonderful golden arctic light.
Nachricht 76 von 97
- Anfang
- Zurück
- Mammals
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- Veröffentlichung - National Geographic Magazine DE
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- Neuer Vortrag - auf Tournee in der Schweiz
- National Geographic Interview mit Florian
- CNN Fernsehbeitrag
- Gastposts auf der National Geographic-Instagramseite
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- Veröffentlichung im japanischen Magazin DAYS JAPAN
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- Veröffentlichung auf der WWF Website
- Veröffentlichung im Defenders Magazin
- Weitere Veröffentlichung auf der Audubon Website
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- Vorwärts
- Ende
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