Presentations and Seminars


Florian Schulz is a recognised speaker in the topics of photography and inspirational conservation visions. Schulz has delivered over 150 lectures across the United States, Canada and Europe including National Geographic Explorer’s Hall, Microsoft ProPhoto Summit, WWF Annual Meetings, World Wilderness Congresses, Photokina, Outdoor Retailers (3) and several European Photography Festivals. Partners that have significantly work in close collaboration with Schulz include Earthjustice, Alaska Wilderness League, Patagonia and the World Wildlife Fund among many others.



Call of the Wild - Freedom to Roam

The American West

A man, passionate about photography, wild animals and conservation sets out on a quest to document wildlife on the move. Travelling from the southern tip of Baja California along the pacific coast, traversing over 8000 miles up to the high arctic. A film-style presentation, packed with adventure and incredible wildlife encounters, this an unforgettable and inspiring talk. All of this to motivate positive change to help protect the future of this important endangered ecosystem called “The Wild Edge” of the Pacific Coast.

Florian as a Speaker:
Florian’s speaking engagements are a unique and rich multi-media story telling experience. Superb imagery is mixed with real-life adventures and scientific information. He thrives to take the audience on a suspenseful journey into the wild corners of this planet. It is an inspirational presentation engaging people at the personal level.

Booking request: Please contact Emil Herrera-Schulz for further information.

Into the Arctic Kingdom

with a special focus on the Arctic Refuge

His multi-year quest to document the Arctic took photographer Florian Schulz to the ends of the Earth. He camped for weeks in jarring winter conditions, accompanied traditional Inuit hunters and sailed the arctic waters, all to get an intimate look at life in the Arctic. There, he tracked families of polar bears, followed the vast caribou herds, and captured the Northern Lights in stunning detail. Through breathtaking imagery, the National Geographic photographer takes audiences on a legendary journey into the Arctic kingdom— with a special focus on the Arctic Refuge, one of the world's last great wilderness.

He camped for weeks in the frozen world, traveled hundreds of miles by sled dog, dove below icebergs and came eye to eye with polar bears. With breathtaking images, National Geographic photographer Florian Schulz takes us on an unforgettable journey to the high arctic. His stories tell us of the encounters with the diverse arctic wildlife in the changing polar region while granting a “behind-the-scenes” look into the multi-year adventure. For this dynamic multimedia presentation Florian Schulz traveled many thousands of miles across the remote, uninhabited place north of the arctic circle.

Florian as a Speaker:
Florian’s speaking engagements are a unique and rich multi-media story telling experience. Superb imagery is mixed with real-life adventures and scientific information. He thrives to take the audience on a suspenseful journey into the wild corners of this planet. It is an inspirational presentation engaging people at the personal level.

Booking request: Please contact Emil Herrera-Schulz for further information.


"We love nature filmmaking, and we are specialist in shooting on wild ground. From concept developing to shooting high-end complex camera systems our expertise will take you to remote areas and show you a world never seen before." - Florian Schulz

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Florian Schulz Productions
natural history film production & equipment rental in Alaska and Baja California, Mexico.

Florian Schulz
DOP | Producer

Emil Herrera-Schulz
Production Manager | Creative Director

Nicole Frey
Camerawoman | DIT | Editor | Digital assets

Copyright © 2009 - 2016 Florian Schulz Produktion. All rights reserved