The kingdom of the polar bear

Experience the Arctic

The Arctic is one of the most extreme habitats in the world. Cold, dark and inhospitable at times - yet it is home to some of the largest mammals in the world such as blue whale, polar bear and walrus. They have all adapted to the extremes of this region. Even more, their survival is inevitably connected with each year’s return of ice and snow.

Visions of the Arctic

More than ice

Arctic Photographs

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To the Arctic

At home on the ice

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To The Arctic


To The Arctic


To The Arctic

The Area

In the vast Arctic wilderness, we humans can be reminded of a world that existed before we dominated this planet. Some politicians once called the Arctic a barren wasteland, a flat white nothingness, implying that it is good only for exploitation. These statements fueled Florian’s desire to explore and thoroughly document the Arctic from all angles—the air, the land, the ice, and the sea—so that he could show others what an extraordinary place this is. What he found was far from a barren.

He was able to photograph tens of thousands of caribous wandering throw the golden tundra, millions of birds that undertake incredible migrations to build their nests in this distant land. Mother bears nursing their cubs, arctic foxes playing at their den or muskox roaming the tundra. For us humans the arctic might be a harsh barren wasteland but for the arctic wildlife it is their home. Even small increases in temperature will see their habitat like the ocean sea ice for polar bears - literally melt away. Scientist believe the Arctic will be ice free by 2035 if not much sooner.

2500 miles across the Arctic

To The Arctic

It all began with the commission to create the photography for an accompanying book of the IMAX film "To the Arctic" by Greg MacGillivray. It was a year full of adventure. Three books, several exhibitions followed by a live speaking tour. The Arctic however has not lost its fascination for Florian and Emil.


"The body of work in this book is the result of many expeditions that I undertook over the course of six years, logging a total of fifteen months in the Arctic. I have journeyed more than twenty-five hundred miles on snow machines across the Arctic; traveled in traditional ways with Inuit guides and their sled dogs for hundreds of miles; visited Inuit communities from Point Hope, Alaska, to Qaanaaq, Greenland; dove and snorkeled in the Arctic Ocean; spent over one hundred hours photographing from airplanes; rafted down Arctic rivers; camped among tens of thousands of migrating caribou; and accompanied the MacGillivray Freeman film team on an ice-going vessel in the middle of drifting pack ice."

The Book

To the Arctic

In this stunning, large-format, panoramic photo essay, renowned nature photographer Florian Schulz takes readers on a personal journey to the remote-yet-vibrant Arctic. In contrast to the common perception of the Arctic as a vast nothingness, Schulz's images display an ecosystem of surprising richness that is teeming with life. Following the cycle of a year, TO THE ARCTIC showcases a pageant of wildlife oddly captivating forms of muskoxen, waves of migrating caribou, and some of the most extraordinary images ever captured of a mother polar bear and her two cubs.
Schulz's range of imagery, accompanied by his personal stories from field, explores the remarkable diversity and drama of life in the Arctic. Complementing Schulz's work is a forward by Sylvia Earle, National Geographic Society Explorer-in-Residence, and a preface by Academy Award nominated film director Greg MacGillivray.

* Winner of the 2012 Independent Publisher Book Award for "Most Likely to Save the Planet"

  • Hardcover: 204 pages
  • Publisher: Mountaineers Books (November 1, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1594854874
  • ISBN-13: 978-1594854873
  • Product Dimensions: 15.3 x 1.1 x 10.3 inches


This is a beautiful work out by a talented photographer. The images tell the
story of the Arctic so poignantly!
Khris - Customer review
The photos in this book are awesome! I have many coffee table books
and this is one of my favorites.
Customer Review

Look inside the book

How the book was made

Making of

First Proof of the book
An up and coming explorer review the proofs of the book.
Final book

The story behind the cover

To The Arctic


Although the common perception of the Arctic is that it is a vast nothingness, Florian Schulz’s photographs reveal a world teeming with life amidst complex natural systems — systems that fuel our global economy and affect our health and environment.

An award-winning wildlife photographer, Schulz photographs throughout the circumpolar North, from Alaska to Canada, Greenland and Norway. To capture these images, he endure subfreezing temperatures, camping on ice sheets, diving beneath icebergs, and riding on dogsleds.

His photographs reveal the vast scale of the Arctic plain, which is host to migrating birds from around the globe, as well as the yearly migration of thousands of caribou. They also expose how the loss of polar ice and snow is dramatically altering the fabric of Arctic life on land and sea.

Mundo Artico


La obra fotográfica de Florian Schulz captura la belleza inigualable de una de las regiones más remotas del planeta: el Ártico. Localizada la región más cercana al polo norte, ésta es un área de las menos exploradas del globo pero también una de las que más ha capturado la imaginación de las personas. Al ser una zona casi desconocida, al menos para la mayoría de nosotros, es un receptáculo ideal para nuestra creatividad, un territorio cautivador que se puede adaptar a nuestra fantasía.

No es raro que algunos piensen el Ártico como un área desolada, como una región que se constituye de poco más que hielo, nieve y viento álgido. Sin embargo, esta zona cuenta con una gama de territorios muy rica, y con una increíble variedad de especies que la habitan. El cambio de las estaciones determina notablemente el espectáculo que nos presenta, y crea distintas correlaciones entre la tierra, su flora y su fauna. Distintos seres están conectados entre sí, produciendo alimento para sí mismos y para otros, permitiendo las condiciones necesarias para la subsistencia de todos. Las imágenes capturadas por Florian Schulz dan cuenta de las múltiples facetas que ocurren cíclicamente en esta zona, misteriosa y fascinante.

Project to Protect the Alaskan Arctic

Visions of the Arctic

Florian teamed up with Earthjustice to launch a visual campaing in support of the Alaskan Arctic. Florian was speaking at different locations in the US to share his images and stories with the general public, and spread the word about this unique place.

Photo archive

Visions of the Arctic
Visions of the Arctic

Presentation tour

As part of his conservation work, Florian showed some of his best work from the Alaskan Arctic in 2010 and 2011 through a large speaking tour along the East Coast of the US. With his pictures and experiences in Alaska he showed not only the beauty of this land but also the dangers that this part of the Arctic is facing. The oil industry, for example, is putting a lot of pressure on this unique region through oil production.

Visions of the Arctic


Accompanying his project "Visions of the Arctic", a large exhibition was shown at the G2 Gallery in Los Angeles, USA.


Be part of the story


Publications about the project

GEO Extra | 40 years GEO - best images | Print | DE

Florians image featured in the 40 year GEO Jubilee issue.

GEO Calender | Tierwelten | Print | DE

One of Florians images was featured in GEO Tierwelten Calender 2017

Reportero DOC Magazine | Print | Spain


Article title: El oso Polar esta en peligro!

December 2015

Ranger Rick Magazine | Print | USA

Article title: A Life on Ice

December 2015

Images DOC Magazine | Print | France


Article title: Lóurs polaire en danger!

December 2015

National Geographic Traveller Magazine | Print | Poland

Feature article: Weilka biel

World Wildlife Magazine (WWF) | Print | USA

Article title: What lies beneath

Issue winter 2014

4-Seasons Magazine | Print | CH

Article title: Eiskalte Leidenschaft

Issue winter 2014

National Wildlife Magazine | Print | USA

Article title: Endurance Test

Issue: June / July

Globetrotter Magazine | Print | CH

Article title: Die Arktis lebt - Leitartikel

Issue: Fall 2013

Beobachter Natur Magazine | Print | CH

Feature article: Das Jahr der Eisbären

Issue: Oct. / Nov. 2013

Polar News Magazine | Print | CH

Article title: Mit Blick in das Weite

Issue: Dec. 2013

Terre Sauvage Magazine | Print | France


Issue: June 2013

Science Magazine | Print | USA


Issue: April 2012

GEO Magazine | Print | DE

Feature article: Sinfonie in Eis

Issue: January 2012

GEO Magazine | Print | Russia

Feature article

Issue: 2012

GEO Magazine | Print | Italy

Feature article: Il Grande Freddo

Issue: September 2012

Nature´s Best Magazine | Print | USA

Feature article: To The Arctic

Issue: Summer 2012

Natur Forum Fotografie Magazine | Print | DE


Feature article: Blick über die Schulter

Issue: January 2012

BBC Wildlife Magazine | Print | UK

Coverstory: Secrets of a Vanishing World

Portfolio: Arktis Bilder

Issue: Nov. 2011

GEO Magazine | Print | DE

Vom Zauber der weißen Wildnis

Issue: Dec. 2011

QUO | Print | Mexico

Feature article: Osos – Emperadores del Artico

Issue: Dec. 2011

Nature´s Best Photography Magazine | Print | USA

awarded Image

Issue: January 2011

Outdoor Photography Magazine | Print | UK


Feature article: 40 Most Influential Nature Photographer

Issue: Dec. 2010

Universum Magazine | Print | Austria

Erlebte Bilder

Issue: Nov. 2008

Natur & Kosmos Magazine | Print | DE

Die Geister Des Himmels

Issue: 2006

Natur & Kosmos Magazine | Print | DE

Cover: Frostige Kinderstube

Issue: 2005


"We love nature filmmaking, and we are specialist in shooting on wild ground. From concept developing to shooting high-end complex camera systems our expertise will take you to remote areas and show you a world never seen before." - Florian Schulz

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Florian Schulz Productions
natural history film production & equipment rental in Alaska and Baja California, Mexico.

Florian Schulz
DOP | Producer

Emil Herrera-Schulz
Production Manager | Creative Director

Nicole Frey
Camerawoman | DIT | Editor | Digital assets

Copyright © 2009 - 2016 Florian Schulz Produktion. All rights reserved