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The "whale" of life

The tide keeps dropping and suddenly hits the magic mark. I watch the polar bear stand up and turn to face downhill. As if she were a seal, she gives herself just enough of a push to slide down the snowbank on her stomach...entire Story

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The longest land migration on earth

We have not slept in almost thirty hours, and exhaustion is catching up with us. As we stumble back over the tundra toward camp, we spot a lone caribou calf just ahead. entire Story

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Calving lagoons of the grey whales

Just before sunrise, I am heading out with my fishermen friend to look for the gray whales that have entered the lagoons. Every year, the whales travel between 10,000 and 14,000 miles round-trip between ... entire Story

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New life on the ice

Suddenly the urgent call of the baby seal grabs my attention. I hear a small splash. The mother must be at the bottom of the two-foot-deep hole in the ice. I hear the seal pup yelping, encouraging the mother to come out...entire Story

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"We love nature filmmaking, and we are specialist in shooting on wild ground. From concept developing to shooting high-end complex camera systems our expertise will take you to remote areas and show you a world never seen before." - Florian Schulz

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Florian Schulz Productions
natural history film production & equipment rental in Alaska and Baja California, Mexico.

Florian Schulz
DOP | Producer

Emil Herrera-Schulz
Production Manager | Creative Director

Nicole Frey
Camerawoman | DIT | Editor | Digital assets

Copyright © 2009 - 2016 Florian Schulz Produktion. All rights reserved